Student House

Pursuant to provisions of SDCL 6-13-4, notice is hereby given that the School Board of Yankton School District 63-3, by resolution dated the 13th day of February, 2023, has declared the student constructed house located at Yankton School District Career Manufacturing Technical Education Academy, 1200 W. 21st Street, Yankton, SD, no longer necessary, useful or suitable for the purpose it was acquired and has ordered the same sold by sealed bid.

Sealed bids for the purchase of a three-bedroom house, measuring 32' x 50', will be received at the Administration Building located at 2410 West City Limits Road, Yankton, South Dakota, by Chareen Gerber, Business Manager of the Yankton School District 63-3, up to the hour of 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud by the Business Manager and witnessed by the Secretary to the Business Manager, or other designee, at the Yankton School District Administration Building. Instructions, specifications, floor plan and the bid form are available on the right side of this page.

An OPEN HOUSE will be held on February 28 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. at the construction site located in the north building of the Career Manufacturing and Technical Education Academy, 1200 W. 21st Street, Yankton, SD. The house is sold "as is" with no representations or warranties from the school district.  

All bids must be made on and according to the forms provided. Bid forms may also be obtained at the Yankton School District Administration Building located at the above address, on the school website or by clicking on the links below. Each bid submitted must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bank draft in the amount of $1,000, payable without condition to Yankton School District 63-3 along with proof of financial ability to pay full bid price as per specifications. The successful bidder will not be permitted to remove the house from school property until final cash payment is made. Failure to remove the house by July 1, 2024 may, at the District's election, result in a $100 per day assessment for each additional day it remains on School District property, or the structure may, at the option of the School District, be removed and stored at the successful bidder's expense.

Yankton School District 63-3 reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts thereof, and to waive any irregularities of any bid. The Yankton School District 63-3 also reserves the right to award the contract to the highest responsible bidder as may be determined by the School Board.