Wow, the Beadle Bugs are incredible! So far, students and staff have donated 2,777 points/items! We have one more day to go! All donations must be at school by 10:30 so the Student Council can load items and deliver them to the Contact Center. The winning class and total number of points will be posted at the end of the day tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who has donated!
less than 1 minute ago, Beadle School
Thursday scores
Do you have a child who will be five by September 1, 2025? Join us for JrK & Kindergarten registration on Thursday, February 27, at Trailhead Learning Center from 4:00-6:00 pm.
about 21 hours ago, Yankton School District
TLC Registration
The Beadle Bugs are so amazing! Here are today's scores. So far, students and staff have donated a total of 1876 items/points! Keep it up, only two days to go!
about 23 hours ago, Beadle School
Wednesday scores
The Beadle "Soup"-er Bowl Food Drive scores are going up! Thank you to everyone who has donated . We are having a great collection and are going to be able to help so many people with our donations! We will be collecting food and hygiene items through Friday morning.
2 days ago, Beadle School
Tuesday's scores
The Elementary February newsletters from The Parent Institute are now available on our school website! Click the link below to check them out.
2 days ago, Yankton School District
The Beadle Student Council "Soup"-er Food Drive is off to a great start! So far, 356 items have been donated. Here are the current classroom scores. Way to go, Beadle Bugs!
3 days ago, Beadle School
Beadle Elementary Student Council will be kicking off our annual "Soup"-er Bowl Food Drive tomorrow! The Student Council will deliver all donated food on Friday, along with going on a tour of The Contact Center to learn about all it does for the Yankton community. This is always such a fun event for Beadle Students! Thank you to everyone for helping us to learn about giving back to our community by supporting The Contact Center.
3 days ago, Beadle School
Soup-er Bowl
The Beadle Bugs are wrapping up January with this amazing group of Good Character Winners! Congratulations and keep up the great work!
7 days ago, Beadle School
Taking advantage of the outdoor classroom learning about the upcoming Groundhog Day in Mrs Frick's Kindergarten class at Beadle!
7 days ago, Mrs. Frick, Kindergarten, Beadle Elementary
100 Days Brighter in Kindergarten at Beadle with Mrs. Frick's crew was a fun day of counting to 100 and so much more :)
7 days ago, Mrs. Frick, Kindergarten, Beadle Elementary
Mrs. Hunhoff's 5th graders welcomed Mrs. Downs as a guest speaker. Students recently read informational stories about the men credited with forming America's national and state parks. Mrs. Downs has been a park ranger at many national parks and shared facts about her experiences. The fifth graders made connections between what they read and what they heard during the presentation. They found that "so awesome"! Thank you, Mrs. Downs, for sharing your knowledge with us.
7 days ago, Mrs. Hunhoff
Mrs. Downs
Mrs. Downs
Mrs. Downs
Beadle 2nd students in Mrs.Vlasman's class had fun writing kindness notes. Thank you to Miss Novak for teaching the lesson and interning with our class this semester.
9 days ago, Mrs. Vlasman, 2nd Grade, Beadle Elementary
 Beadle 2nd students in Mrs.Vlasman's class had fun writing kindness notes. Thank you to Miss Novak for teaching the lesson and interning with our class this semester.
 Beadle 2nd students in Mrs.Vlasman's class had fun writing kindness notes. Thank you to Miss Novak for teaching the lesson and interning with our class this semester.
Beadle 3rd Graders wrapped up their Junior Achievement lessons. We learned about the different ways to earn, spend, save, and donate. We also enjoyed building our very own city as a class. A big THANK YOU to Julie Mooney for volunteering her time!!
9 days ago, Mallory Cihak
Hip Hip Hooray, it's the 100th day! We loved celebrating 100 days of Kindergarten at Beadle!
10 days ago, Traci Olinger
Happy 100th Day of School! Dress like you were 100 years old was a hit at Beadle Kindergarten!
10 days ago, Traci Olinger
Mrs. Kocmick's kindergarten class had a great day celebrating the 100th day of school! Some of the fun activities were dressing up, Mr. Mitzel reading to all of the kindergarteners, hitting a piñata, and eating lunch in the classroom.
10 days ago, Mrs. Kocmick, Kindergarten, Beadle Elementary
Thank you so much, Mrs. Hershfeldt, for teaching us all about the community! The second graders at Beadle loved it!
13 days ago, Brittney Krommenhoek
Thank you so much, Mrs. Hershfeldt, for teaching us all about the community! The second graders at Beadle loved it!
Yankton School District will be celebrating The Great Kindness Challenge next week - January 27th - 30th. One way the elementary schools are celebrating is by having dress up days. Students will also be doing activities during the week to show kindness and gratitude. We encourage our whole community to celebrate with us by doing the same! Thank you for setting a wonderful example for our students by helping Yankton be a wonderful and caring community to grow up and live in. Happy Kindness Week, Yankton!
13 days ago, Beadle School
The Great Kindness Challenge
Beadle Elementary 4th & 5th grade Student Council for the 2nd semester!
13 days ago, Cody Garvey
4th grade Student Council
5th grade Student Council
Beadle Good Character Winners on 1-24-25. Great job Beadle Bugs!
13 days ago, Carey Mitzel, Beadle Elementary Principal