Congratulations to YHS 2021 Homecoming Prince Max Raab & Princess Isabelle Wintz!

Please welcome our grandma's and grandpa's Mrs. Schortzman's 5th grade class!

Mrs. Schortzman's 5th graders are representing what they want to be when they grow up!

Kindergarten students at Beadle had fun celebrating fancy day for homecoming week!

Mrs. Schortzman's sharp dressed 5th graders!

Second grade at Beadle loved Jersey Day for Homecoming Week!

Miss Olinger’s kindergarten class earned a little chalk break for working hard throughout the week!!

Friday Creations in 2nd Grade

It was a fun Friday in Mrs. Dvoracek’s room - subject & predicate finders, flashlight reading, matter describing with crackers, and Play Doh creations!

Friday Creations in 2nd Grade

The first graders in Mrs. Tramp's Physical Education classes created and practiced their own sidewalk-chalk obstacle courses.

Mrs. Hunhoff, Mrs. Schortzman, and Mrs. Zimmerman are excited for a great year!

Mrs. Tramp's Physical Education Classes have had some beautiful days at Crane Youngworth field with football and Frisbee golf activities.

This week Mrs. Mueller’s kindergarten class has fun learning about apples. Today we painted apples using apples slices!

All Yankton Public School students, including JrK-12th grade will be dismissed at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, September 24, for the Yankton High School Pioneer Days Homecoming Parade. There is no afternoon Preschool at Webster School or Early Childhood Preschool at Stewart School that day.
Bus students who ride Yankton School District buses will load the buses at 1:50 at their respective buildings. They will make the exchange at YMS and will leave YMS at approximately 2:15. Parents of elementary students may pick up their bus students at school at 2:00 p.m. if they are not riding the bus that day and have notified the school in advance.
Parents of JrK students at Webster should pick them up at school at 1:45 p.m., as they will be dismissed earlier due to traffic. Parents of in-town students should pick them up at school at 2:00 p.m. All elementary students should return the parade notice to their teacher, so plans are known for the early dismissal.
The parade will begin at 2:30 p.m. at Mulberry and 2nd Street, proceed west on 2nd Street to Cedar Street, North on Cedar Street to 3rd Street and East on 3rd Street to Burleigh Street. If inclement weather occurs, the parade will be cancelled but school will still be dismissed at 2:00 pm.

Sponge painting fun in Mrs. Mueller’s kindergarten class!

A little bit of chalk and some sunshine was the perfect recipe for Ms.Stephens’ kindergarten class to practice some numbers!

Mrs. Mueller’s kindergarten class read the story, The King of Kindergarten and made kindergarten kings and queens for art time!

Ms. Stephens’ kindergarten class used odds and ends to make some pretty epic creations today!

Ms. Stephens’ kindergarten class used odds and ends to make some pretty epic creations today!