Beadle First Graders learn "A Day in the Life of a Sanford Underground Lab Scientist" and what they wear in the lab.
about 5 years ago, Beadle Elementary
Ready for the "Clean Room"
The Clean Room in the lab
Dressed to go underground
The elevator going down into the Sanford Underground Science Lab
Sanford Labs visits students at Beadle Elementary School to help them learn about the exciting world of Science!
about 5 years ago, Beadle Elementary
Gearing up for work
Lots of questions from curious kids
Writers’ Round Table
about 5 years ago, Carey Mitzel, Beadle Elementary Principal
Writers’ Round Table
Writers’ Round Table
about 5 years ago, Carey Mitzel, Beadle Elementary Principal
Writers’ Round Table
Writers’ Round Table
about 5 years ago, Carey Mitzel, Beadle Elementary Principal
Writers’ Round Table
Mr. Garvey’s class celebrated National Kindness Day wearing their #iamkinderthanthat shirts. The Kindergarten teachers also wore the hats they were given.
about 5 years ago, Yankton School District
group of children
3 teachers
child in kind shirt
5 children
2nd grade students In Mrs. Dvoracek's class used what they learned about vessels, buoyancy, and teamwork to make a “Mayflower” to take a voyage to New England during our STEM time.
about 5 years ago, Beadle Elementary
Second grade STEM activity
Second grade STEM activity
Second grade STEM activity
Good character 11-8-19
over 5 years ago, Carey Mitzel, Beadle Elementary Principal
Good character Award Winners
Beadle raises money for local veterans.
over 5 years ago, Carey Mitzel, Beadle Elementary Principal
Student Council presented mike McDonald to help veterans get rides for medical care.
Beadle First Grade gets their exercise by running the track at Williams Field!
over 5 years ago, Beadle Elementary
Beadle First Grade gets their exercise by running the track at Williams Field!
Mrs. Stevens class
Mrs. May's class
Ms. Lancaster's class
Beadle First Graders visit the YHS Kitchen to learn how our lunches are made.
over 5 years ago, Beadle Elementary
Bread Dough
The big dishwasher was super cool!
Big kitchen tools!
The conveyor where the hot packs are sealed
Good Character Awards at Beadle School
over 5 years ago, Carey Mitzel, Beadle Elementary Principal
Good Character
STEM centers and games to finish off our afternoon in Mrs. Vlasman's 2nd grade.
over 5 years ago, Beadle Elementary
2nd grade STEM centers and games
2nd grade STEM centers and games
2nd grade STEM centers and games
2nd grade STEM centers and games
During kindergarten math centers, we are having fun working together to review shapes using tangrams. Mrs. Mueller's kindergarten class.
over 5 years ago, Beadle Elementary
Mrs. Mueller's kindergarten class.
Mrs. Mueller's kindergarten class.
Mrs. Mueller's kindergarten class.
Mrs. Mueller's kindergarten class.
Mrs. Mueller's kindergarten class during Handwriting Without Tears time. Students reviewed the letters they'd been working on using shaving cream. The kids had a blast practicing their letters this way.
over 5 years ago, Beadle Elementary
Kindergartners practicing their handwriting
Kindergartners practicing their handwriting
Kindergartners practicing their handwriting
Kindergartners practicing their handwriting
Happy Halloween from Mrs. LaFave's Third Grade Class
over 5 years ago, Beadle Elementary
Third graders in Halloween costumes
2nd graders designed and built catapults to launch objects.
over 5 years ago, Beadle Elementary
second graders and their catapult
second graders and their catapult
second graders and their catapult
second graders and their catapult
Halloween 2019
over 5 years ago, Carey Mitzel, Beadle Elementary Principal
Halloween 2019
Halloween 2019
over 5 years ago, Carey Mitzel, Beadle Elementary Principal
Halloween 2019
Halloween 2019
Halloween 2019
Halloween 2019
Halloween 2019
over 5 years ago, Carey Mitzel, Beadle Elementary Principal
Halloween 2019
Halloween 2019
Halloween 2019
Halloween 2019