For a class reward, Mrs. Loecker's 3rd graders did art with a friend! Students first drew a scribble on their paper and then traded papers and their partners had to turn the scribble into a real object. Then we made silly faces by drawing the different parts of a face and trading in between. The giggles were so sweet!
✨Check out our amazing Lincoln Leaders!✨
Thanks to the YSD Transportation Department for teaching Lincoln Leaders about bus safety! Here are 4th grade presentations in action!
At Lincoln school, Mrs. Stacey's third grade class had a student performer playing "Clocks" on the piano and also played a singing game called "Obwisana" which included a lot of stick passing to the beat.
Ms. Nelson's first grade class at Lincoln was very busy during music today. We had a classmate perform a song on the piano for us and then we practiced Meter in 3 while waltzing with a friend!
Ms. Greene's "firsties" have gotten to celebrate their great behavior several times already this year! Today, we asked Mr. Beste to read to us at Storytime! It was one of our favorite celebrations!!
Ms. Nelson's first graders at Lincoln Elementary played a math game today! We practiced our addition and subtraction facts!
Mrs. Bertsch's 4th graders practicing place value with a card game!
Two heads are better than one! Mrs. Stacey's 3rd graders at Lincoln love working with partners to solve math problems!
Our Lincoln Leaders started off Friday morning with a Bucket Filler drawing! Ms. Beth wanted to join in on all the fun! 🎉
Mrs. Jenum's class has been working hard in music to identify the meter of a song. Today we practiced meter in 2 by bouncing and catching playground balls with the beat.
Mrs. Davison and Mrs. Harris got their students together at Lincoln Elementary for some letter Aa learning!! Third graders were GREAT Lincoln Leaders when it came to helping out their kindergarten buddies!! 🍏🤍🍎
Mrs. Davison's class loves choices between Hooray Array or Battle of Arrays.
Yankton Public Schools has unveiled a new promotional video aimed at showcasing the district's mission, values, and educational excellence. The video highlights the dedication of teachers, the vibrant school culture, and the wide range of academic and extracurricular opportunities available to students.
It can be viewed on the district’s website and social media platforms, offering a glimpse into what makes Yankton Public Schools a great place for students to learn and thrive.
Ms. Greene's "firsties" were so excited to try a cucamelon! Thank you Mrs. LaCroix for giving us this experience! The 2nd photo shows how the student felt about it after they ate it.
After reading the book, The Recess Queen, Ms. Greene's "firsties" designed new playground equipment and then created it out of blocks.
Ms. Nelson's first graders at Lincoln Elementary love painting with watercolors! We had so much fun painting our chameleons!
It was time to add some instruments to Mrs. Harris's class during Music and this class knows how to have FUN!
Mystery Bag Science in Mrs. Walters' science class at Lincoln! Practicing properties of matter 🧑🔬
Mystery Bag Science in Mrs. Walters' science class at Lincoln! Practicing properties of matter 🧑🔬