Do you have a child who will be five by September 1, 2025? Join us for JrK & Kindergarten registration on Thursday, February 27, at Trailhead Learning Center from 4:00-6:00 pm.

Mrs. DeLange's Kindergarten class had fun tracing shadows before Groundhog's day! Our predictions were correct!

Wow! Did you know petroleum jelly could double as gloves in the winter? Mrs. Loecker's 3rd graders did a fun experiment in science on why sea lions have blubber all over their bodies. We put a finger in ice cold water to see how cold it was and then covered that same finger in petroleum jelly and it was a remarklably different temperature. Science is so fun!

Another day of Ms. Greene's firsties raising their hand to make their teacher happy and show off their great reading skills!

Sometimes going old school is extra fun! Mrs. Stacey's third grade music class had a great time singing and playing a hand clapping game.

Mrs. Stacey's 3rd graders enjoy our daily brain breaks! We all needed to get some energy out today, and we did that with a partner challenge!

The Elementary February newsletters from The Parent Institute are now available on our school website! Click the link below to check them out. https://yanktonsd.sites.thrillshare.com/o/ysd/page/parent-institute-newsletters

Mr. Bochman’s fourth graders enjoying their popcorn party! Thank you ACE Hardware for the delicious popcorn!

Snack & Science Research.... how Mrs. Walters' class likes it!

Look out YMS! A new crop of 6th graders is headed your way in a few months!! Mrs. Roth's fifth graders had a visit from Dr. Olson and Mr. Decker yesterday. They helped them get all registered for next year!!!

Miss Nelson's first grade music class reviewed their rhythms by composing, moving, and performing rhythms on different percussion instruments.

At Lincoln School, First and Second grade music classes celebrated the Lunar New Year by learning about many different cultures and traditions. We ended our class with the chance to perform the Jasmine Flower Fan Dance.

Briley and Aleya from the Yankton High School did a wonderful job teaching Mrs. Loecker's 3rd graders about kindness in honor of this week's "Kindness Challenge." Students enjoyed listening to a story and then making postcards for someone they cared about. "You can always give something, even if it is only kindness." --Anne Frank

Lincoln Elementary is celebrating the Great Kindness Challenge with a bucket filler!! ❤️ Our students get so excited when their name gets called!

Showing Kindness by working together and playing math games. Mrs. Roth's fifth graders did it in style. Comfy Style, that is! #lincolnleadersrock

Mrs. DeLange's Kindergarten had fun celebrating our 100th day of school with glasses, crowns, stickers and painting!

Lincoln leaders had pj day for Kindness Week and fun crowns and glasses for the 100th day of school! Mrs. Harris's Kindergarteners are 100 days smarter! 🤍

Time for some fun with Mrs. Evans's first grade music class. These kids are rhythm reading masters!

What do you do when you score amazingly on a Math Test? Well, Mrs. Roth's , 5th grade math classes celebrate with pizza, pop, and a movie!!! Way to go Lincoln Leaders!

The Coffee Cart is rolling down the hallways once again! Lincoln Elementary Student Council members treated our wonderful staff to coffee and treats Tuesday morning! Go Lincoln Leaders!