The groundbreaking ceremony for the new Early Childhood Development Center that was scheduled for today has been postponed. The new date and time will be released as soon as it is confirmed.
about 1 year ago, Yankton School District
The All-School Visual Art Exhibit is coming up soon. Every child in the Yankton School District will have a piece of art work displayed. This is a sneak preview of some kindergarten art work! We can do amazing things!
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Wagner
Lincoln Elementary Student Council teamed up with the students at Lincoln to create a colorful display recognizing Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month.
about 1 year ago, Lincoln Elementary Student Council
Student Council
Mrs. Wagner's Kindergarten kiddos enjoyed a Spring Walk today! We stopped by Morgen Park for some fun in the sun! Best day ever!
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Wagner
Popping Up Some Amazing Leaders!
about 1 year ago, Shari Whitehead
Mrs. Loecker's 3rd graders took a trip outside to the front of school to read our language arts story this morning. It was a little breezy, but a "cool" experience!
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Loecker-3rd Grade-Lincoln
reading outside
Kindergarten writing is the best! I love how they sound out the words, segment them, and write what they hear! We write in our morning journals every day! So proud of them!
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Wagner
What a great way to start the day...YHS did a fantastic job this morning during Frozen Jr! What a fun time!
about 1 year ago, Katie Greene
All-Star Readers! Mrs. Wagner's kindergarten students who received a reading medal, a book and a Book-It certificate for meeting their monthly reading goals! Reading Rocks and so do these kiddos!
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Wagner
Mrs. Roth's class enjoying "Frozen Jr." performed by YHS students!
about 1 year ago, Alyssa Roth 5th Grade Lincoln Elementary
waiting patiently
All good!
Cast and Crew
Fun times!
The Lincoln Elementary Student Council packed Easter baskets for the River City Domestic Violence Center. The baskets were filled with crafts, small stuffed animals, and some candy. It was a wonderful experience!!
about 1 year ago, Lincoln Elementary Student Council
SC Easter
Lincoln Leaders are all smiles heading into Easter Break! Maybe you'll find a "Caught being a Leader in your Easter basket 🐥
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Ewald, Lincoln Elementary, School Counselor
Mr. Bochman's Music class was "survivin" recorder by singing and playing "Eye of the Tiger" today. Click on the link below if you would like to rock out to some recorder playing.
about 1 year ago, Dena DenHerder, Lincoln Elementary Music
eye of the tiger
We had fun today dividing up reading parts and telling the story "The Day Lolly Saved the Peeps". We always enjoy doing reader's theater and getting to take turns reading and using different voices.
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Loecker-3rd Grade-Lincoln
reader's theater
Mrs. Wagner's Kindergarten Kiddos wish you a Hoppy Spring Break!!
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Wagner
Tuesdays aren't just for Tacos! Check out our Lincoln Leaders🤩
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Ewald, Lincoln Elementary, School Counselor
just being silly 😆
So Proud
It's Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal to School Day! Some of our stuffies matched up with our favorite books! How cool is that!
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Wagner
Miss Greene just couldn't resist an April Fools joke two days late...Would anyone like a brownie? A brown e...get it?
about 1 year ago, Katie Greene
Yankton School District is approaching the groundbreaking date of the new Early Childhood Development Center, which means we are ready to begin the exciting process of naming the building! Do you have an idea? If so, please read the criteria statements below and submit a response at Criteria: Timelessness: The name of the building should be timeless. Inclusivity: The name of the building should promote diversity, equity, and inclusivity. Clarity: The name of the building should be clear and easily understood. Relevance: The name of the building should be relevant to the nature theme incorporated into the design. Uniqueness: The name of the building should be unique. Respect: The name of the building should not include a person’s name. The submission process will close on Saturday, April 22, and the chosen name will be announced at a later date. Be creative and have fun!
about 1 year ago, Yankton School District
Early Childhood
These Lincoln Second Graders were dynamic dabbers while reviewing different dynamic markings in music.
about 1 year ago, Dena DenHerder, Lincoln Elementary Music
dynamic dabbers
dynamic dabbers
dynamic dabbers