Lincoln School is participating in the Great Kindness Challenge. Kindergarten is working on projects while hanging out in our cozy pajamas. "Dreaming of Kindness!"
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Wagner
Mrs. Larsen’s first graders enjoyed pajama day today!
almost 2 years ago, Lincoln Elementary
Pajama Day
Lincoln First grade music classes had a blast notating, composing, and performing rhythm patterns using fruit loops today.
almost 2 years ago, Dena DenHerder, Lincoln Elementary Music
fruit loop rhythms
fruit loop rhythms
fruit loop rhythms
fruit loop rhythms
Mrs. Davison’s third graders earned a sledding party. They had so much fun!
almost 2 years ago, Lincoln Elementary- 3rd Grade - Mrs. Davison
In the January Kindle’s Korner, Dr. Kindle wrote about our Angel Fund. We have some families in our school district who have had some challenges come up for them making it difficult to pay their child’s meal account. The Angel Fund is used to help families alleviate any outstanding debt, by helping them through some unexpected happenings in their family. We had a gracious donor pledge of $2500 in the hopes we can raise $5000. If you are looking for a way to help families in our community, please consider donating to the YSD Child Nutrition Angel Fund. We are confident we can surpass the $5000 challenge. All donations will remain in the Angel Fund for future needs. If you have any questions regarding the Angel Fund, you are welcome to contact our Director of Child Nutrition, Laura Horacek at 605-665-8379 or by email at or Dr. Kindle at 605-665-3998 or email You may send your donation to: YSD Angel Fund PO Box 738 Yankton, SD 57078
almost 2 years ago, Yankton School District
Angel Fund
Mrs. Drotzmann's class enjoying some popcorn! Thank you Cortrust Bank!
almost 2 years ago, Laura Drotzmann
poppin up leaders
Lincoln 4th graders - and Mr. Bochman- enjoying the snow at recess!
almost 2 years ago, Lincoln Elementary - 4th Grade
Mr. Bochman playing some soccer with the 4th graders
4th graders having “Snow” much fun at recess
4th grade recess
Miss Greene's first graders have been pushing themselves to be mathmeticians! A fun math lesson in 1st grade is when students are SO EXCITED to answer each problem and show off what they know!
almost 2 years ago, Katie Greene
Math J
Ms. Wells’ class worked on STEAM activities related to snowflakes today! We learned that snowflakes are formed from a speck of dust, salt, pollen, or ash. We also learned that snowflakes are all different, just like us!
almost 2 years ago, Yankton School District
Coloring snowflakes
cutting Snowflakes
Learners with Snowflakes
Mrs. Wagner's Kindergarten students enjoyed a Popcorn Party sponsored by CorTrust Bank! We had a poppin' good time! Thank You!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Wagner
Miss Greene's first grade class got a chance to be creative with a snowflake STEM activity! Working with symmetry took some concentration!
about 2 years ago, Katie Greene
Miss Greene's "Firsties" are working with making words during Rotations! We have grown so much in our letter and sound skills!
about 2 years ago, Katie Greene
Mrs. Wagner's Kindergarten kiddos are practicing their reading strategies by reading to their friends! This makes reading fun and meaningful!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Wagner
Kindergarten is starting the week off with a Good Behavior Award . . . Root Beer Floats! Just like Owen says, "Best Day Ever!"
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Wagner
We are so proud of this Lincoln Leader who got his addition math medal this week!! Way to work hard!!
about 2 years ago, Lori Schaeffer
Math medal!!
The Big Freeze at Lincoln Elementary School!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Wagner
It was nice to see school friends again after 2 weeks away from each other! Today Mrs. Loecker's 3rd graders enjoyed some Chromebook time and playing with our new STEM bins.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Loecker-3rd Grade-Lincoln
STEM bins
STEM bins and Chromebooks
We hope you are having a wonderful break and look forward to classes resuming on January 3, 2023!
about 2 years ago, Yankton School District
Winter Break Message
Happy first day of Christmas Break!
about 2 years ago, Yankton School District
Winter Break Message
We enjoyed celebrating the Christmas season this year!! Merry Christmas from Mrs. Schaeffer’s second graders!!
about 2 years ago, Lori Schaeffer
Dress up days!
STEM Towers
Stem Towers